New Beginnings Retreat in the Gold Coast Hinterland
Posted by Marianne Petersen on
Last month I had the blessed opportunity to travel to the Gold Coast Hinterland to a Women’s Healing Retreat called ‘New Beginnings’
The location was absolutely stunning!

There were so many amazing and miraculous things that the Lord did over the 4 days! Over 50 women encountered the Father’s love afresh, experienced healing and restoration, they met sisters in Christ, laughed and cried together. Many were being prepared to transition into their New Beginning and many were in the transition.
One of the highlights for me was hearing the countless stories of women’s testimonies of the life they lived before their encounter with Jesus! Many had walked paths of unimaginable hurt, pain and trauma
BUT GOD! Their stories were not finished! After their encounters with Jesus, their lives changed forever 
Listening to their stories and getting to know these amazing women, you can’t help but be deeply encouraged and inspired! You can’t help but believe God for more!

I was so blessed to reconnect with many sisters who have journeyed with me in Brisbane and was super excited to meet two amazing sisters who I have been speaking to for almost a year now since we first met in The Reset Challenge!
One of these amazing sisters was baptised at retreat and I was so honoured to stand by her side as she was baptised in Holy Spirit and fire! 
Thank you Jesus!

Thank you to my dear friend Luth Angeles and the amazing Daughters of the King Ministry team for having me. It was a life-changing retreat experience! All glory to God