Release of our 'Hope of Heaven' Collection

Posted by Marianne Petersen on

Hello Friend!

How are you? I hope you are well. You know I was thinking about you and how grateful I am for you. I want you to know how blessed we are to be connected, to be able to pray with you and to share what God is doing in and through us here in the studio. But I don't want this to be a one-sided thing. I would love to get to know you too, to share in the journey that you're on and for us to really encourage one another.

What I'm saying is that you are more than welcome (and encouraged) to reach out by replying to this email or any of our future emails. We would love to build a community that encourages, uplifts and strengthens one another and also to build a community that not only dreams big but believes bigger. 

It is one of my prayers that as a kingdom business we would have friends, not followers! Friends DO the journey together, followers WATCH. My heart is not that you would 'watch' what God is doing here but that you would be a part of it and that we could be a part of what God is doing in your life! What do you say, friend? Let's DO this journey together! 

I'm so excited for the journey ahead of us and for the things that we will get to see God do in our midst! There are so many things to be excited about and I am so blessed we get to share them with you.

We have been working quietly behind the scenes over the past month on our first collection release and have been so blessed to see God unfold this collection piece by piece and today is the day! 

I believe the heartbeat for this collection is to remind us that no matter what we are going through in life that there is HOPE and that all of HEAVEN is cheering us on today, tomorrow and forever! We pray that our new collection will breathe heaven's hope into people's seasons, regardless of what they may be going through.

The ‘Hope of Heaven’ collection is inspired by Hebrews 6:19 ‘We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” and Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”  

I hope that you love it as much as we do! 

Thank you for being a part of our first ever collection release!
HEAVEN is cheering you on today, tomorrow and forever friend!

Love & Prayers,
Marianne xo


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