Our Story
Posted by Marianne Petersen on
Hello friends!
I promised the first blog post a few weeks ago and I'm sorry it has taken me so long. To be honest with you I wasn't quite sure what our first blog post was going to be about. From the beginning of this journey, I promised God that I would be always transparent. It is actually one of our core values. And so I sit here on my laptop at 2:14am (to be exact) asking God what he wants me to share about before January rolls over. Two words came up and those two words were 'Our Story'. It only makes sense to start from the beginning right? Before I start sharing about our story, I wanted to encourage you that 'Our story' includes you just as much as it includes me. Your story with God, my story with God and as a collective OUR story with God - Our God-story!
Okay, so back to the beginning...
I am Marianne. I am a believer and a disciple of Jesus. I am a passionate creative and a word girl (you guessed it my love language is 'words of affirmation'). I am a wife and a mother to two precious boys.
I was born and raised in Sydney, Australia. My husband and I moved to the sunshine state (QLD) in 2014 and in the later part of 2017 was invited to speak at a women's session at a church camp in Melbourne. It was on the third night of camp that I heard this gentle whisper from God that Melbourne was going to be our home. After receiving confirmation that God had also spoken to my husband and with much prayer, we packed up and moved, three months after the call.
Kairos Creative birthed out of a challenging season for me, where the promises of God and the reality of life didn't quite match up. It really caused me to doubt that I had actually heard from God and that rocked me to my core.
During this challenging season, God invited me on a journey of creativity and began to minister to me through his Word. You see, before I spoke at the church camp I hand stamped 50 key rings with two words - 'Called & Crowned' to give as gifts to each woman who was attending the women's session. This was something I wanted the women to take away as a reminder of the message God had spoken at the session around the story of Esther.

Little did I know, that during this challenging season God would use those same tools that made those key rings to bring me up and out of the valley, out from a place of discouragement and uncertainty. God encouraged me to pick up my hammer and my set of letter stamps and begin to stamp his Word on bracelet cuffs as a reminder of his promises for my life.
I began to learn what it looked like to hold on to his Word. I began to understand from the depths of my being that all his promises are YES and AMEN in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20), that his Word would never return to him empty but it would go out and achieve the purpose for which he sent it (Isaiah 55:11). I began to let my walls down and allow his Words to 'encourage, uplift and strengthen' me from the inside out. Hope began to fill my heart and joy began to bubble up inside of me.
In September 2018, in faith I partnered with God to start Kairos Creative Studio with a few tools in my hand and with a firm belief that God's word transforms our world. Kairos is a greek word which means the perfect, delicate, crucial moment, the fleeting rightness of time and place that create the opportune atmosphere for action, words and movement.
Despite battling fear of the unknown, of what people would say and the possibility of failing (not to mention I was 7 months pregnant), I decided to choose FAITH over fear, not just once but daily. I decided to take God at his word, after all, it was what he was teaching me.
I knew that the moment I said "YES" to God's invitation to embark with him on this journey was a KAIROS moment. It was my kairos moment; a perfect, delicate, crucial moment, the fleeting rightness of time and place that created the opportune atmosphere for action, words and movement.
What God did for me in that season, I believe he wants to do for YOU or for someone you love. I believe our mission is to 'encourage, uplift and strengthen people in every season with God's word'.
The truth is that we will go through challenging seasons, we will come up against opposition, we will find ourselves in the valleys BUT God is forever faithful. He loves us and his promise is that he will never leave us nor forsake us.
Since September, when I took the leap of faith I have seen God do absolutely amazing things. I have seen him move so powerfully in the lives of many. I have witnessed one simple word stamped on a piece of jewellery break a season of despair and hopelessness. I have heard testimony after testimony of people being reminded of God's promise for their lives and aligning themselves to the truth of his Word. I am so excited to see what he has planned for this year and the years to come!
Our vision is to create collections of note cards, hand stamped jewellery and gifts that capture the heartbeat of Heaven. Each piece is made with love, covered in prayer and inspired by Scripture. The heart of Kairos Creative is our hand stamped jewellery collection. Every piece is made to order and hand stamped letter by letter with love - imperfectly perfect just like you and I.
You can also choose to personalise your piece or I can partner with the Holy Spirit to bring you a prophetic piece if that is what is on your heart.
I could never have asked or imagined that I would get to do what I do today but God! Thank you for sharing a special part of my God-story! I pray that it encourages you wherever you may be on your journey. I believe that God longs to speak to you and he wants to remind you of his promises for you. I hope we get to chat or meet, I would love to hear your God-story! God has an amazing plan and purpose for your life! The only question is, will you say YES?
God bless you.
Love and prayers, Marianne xo
Thank you Marianne for sharing your amazing story of how Kairos Creative Studio came into being. It’s awesome to see what happens when we step out in faith and allow God to take us by the hand to guide us through the fear of the unknown. Ive finally taken the plunge in studies God called me to do 3years ago, thank you Jesus for opening doors for me to study my passion 🙏🙌😍 Reading your journey has inspired me so much more to see it through to fruition and that I just need to trust & obey Him. God bless Fayth x